STC 918B-Procurement of Acquisition Support Services (NASPO Value Point)
Monterey provides dedicated acquisition support for North Carolina’s Office of Procurement Contracts and Grants under the Department of Health and Human Services for procurements related to COVID-19 and the Medicaid Enterprise System (MES) including invoicing services, IT transformational efforts. Monterey SMEs monitor, manage, and draft all pre and post-award documents (e.g. RFP, RFI, RFQ, Amendments) to ensure compliance with all State law and regulations and Departmental administrative code, and procurement rules, policies, and procedures, and ensure the procurements are completed within the procurement schedules.
Program Manager:
Tom Hoskins
Phone: 937-424-8939

Get In Touch
5335 FAR HILLS AVE | DAYTON, OHIO 45429 +1 937 436 4536 Fax : 937-436-5821